Monday, January 24, 2011

Finally got the Halloween 2010 pictures uploaded & posted. I was a fire fighter. We went to the Dixon Corn Maze, and got lost sooo many times. Of course when people are jumping out at you, scaring you, stealing your flash light and  picking you up to drop you off in dark scary corn maze...its 5x scarier! We had a lot of fun though.
Colorado in less than 48 hours...still have to pack, do laundry, 2 more work shifts...doesnt seem like a lot but it is when im a procrastinator! :)
Well off to the bookstore...


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Today at work I gave myself a black eye. Someone left the fixture in the middle aisle and i walked into it while talking with my boss. Its bruised for now. It hurts but not too much.
Last night my friend came over and we baked double fudge Ghiradelli chocolate brownies and watched 'Inception'. It was good, weird, but good. It was 'American Psycho' weird, not 'Shutter Island' weird.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Zumba for Wii...FUN! One of my sisters introduced  this to my mom. I ran out  and bought it, brought it home and put it in. The 1st 20 minute class was fun and fast. Mom did it for a little bit. I can tell this is gonna be one dance/workout wii game we do together! My second class is tomorrow before work! I'm kinda excited, fun indoor workouts that don't require the cold, or being outside.
Earlier today I went to coffee w/ a friend to catch up on each others lives, and ran into an old friend I haven't seen in almost 2 years. Caught up w/ her and realied how much I missed hanging out and talking w/ her.
I finally got a good nights slep last night, YAY! Tonight however my brain won't shut off, alot of things going on, running nto my old friend is one of them.
14 days to go for Colorado....yes I will be keeping a countdown til I go!
Well Good Night for now!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pina Colada Cupcakes

Pina Colada Cupcakes! Yum...worked this morning; very unevetful but full of laughs. Baked these delicious cupcakes with my best friends! always lots of laughs and random quotes with them. QOD: "don't roll into the dark".
15 days til im headed to Colorado for my mini week vacation with my sis and her family. Can't wait; snow, family, and no working 2 jobs for a week = Happy me!!!

this was our New Years Eve Cupcake cake and yummy cupcakes! It was lemon and red velvet, the little ones were vanilla! I wanted to start this blog to document my everyday life, thoughts, capture my photos, and random quotes that will always be funny to someone.
Well Good night for now!